Arch linux svn client
Arch linux svn client

ssl_engine_kernel.c(1903): OpenSSL: Exit: error in SSLv3 read client certificate A ssl_engine_io.c(1893): OpenSSL: I/O error, 5 bytes expected to read on BIO#24ccb40 <- something goes wrong here ssl_engine_kernel.c(1884): OpenSSL: Write: SSLv3 read client hello C ssl_engine_kernel.c(1993): No matching SSL virtual host for servername found (using defau$ ssl_engine_io.c(1882): OpenSSL: read 11/11 bytes from BIO#24ccb40 (BIO dump follows) ssl_engine_io.c(1882): OpenSSL: read 5/5 bytes from BIO#23bb1d0 (BIO dump follows) <- succes here ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 flush data ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 write server done A ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 write key exchange A ssl_engine_kernel.c(1274): handing out temporary 1024 bit DH key ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 write certificate A ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 write server hello A ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3 read client hello A ssl_engine_io.c(1882): OpenSSL: read 11/11 bytes from BIO#23bb1d0 (BIO dump follows) ssl_engine_kernel.c(1874): OpenSSL: Loop: before/accept initialization

arch linux svn client

ssl_engine_kernel.c(1866): OpenSSL: Handshake: start Here is one succesful and one failed attemp from my /var/log/httpd/error_log (with debug level logging) SSL handshake failed: SSL error: A TLS warning alert has been received. The exact error goes: SSL handshake failed: SSL errorcode -32856 The weird thing seems to be that the repository seems to work for some setups, like my desktop for example, but the server itself cant seem to get the handshakes right, same thing for my laptop running windows and tortoise svn, my friend with a same version of tortoise svn on the other hand can checkout just fine.


I started to have some issues with handshakes after an upgrade to openssl 1.0.0. I have a server running subversion with apache.

Arch linux svn client